Lead Statuses ============== 01. Pending (0) - Add by councelor . pending approval by center function 02. Assigned(1) - Assigned to counselor. 03. Rejected (2) - Add by councelor . Rejected by center function 04. Not Prospective(3) - Not prefer to join. 05. Convertible(4) - Pref to get more details. 06. Future Intake(5) - Pref to get details for next intake. 07. Completed(6) - Pref to join (leads who are in pending list for register to system as a student). 08. Registered(7) - Lead who register with the system as a student. 0-Pending|1-Assigned|2-Rejected|3-NotProspective|4-Convertible|5-FutureIntakes|6-Completed|7-Registered Student Statuses ================ 01. Registered (1) = Registered and Pending for enrolment. 02. Enrolled (2) = Registered and Enrolled for a program. 02. Blocked (3) = Account access blocked for student due payment or any issue related to the studen. 1-Registered|2-Enrolled|3-Blocked table:student_enrollment Statuses =========================== 01. Inactive (0) - Inactive 01. Active (1) - Active 0-Inactive|1-Active Education Document Statuses ================== 01. N/A (0) = Document not uploaded. 02. Pending (1) = Document verification is pending. 03. Verified (2) = Document verified by academic admin. 04. Rejected (3) = Document rejected by academic admin. 0-N/A|1-Pending|2-Verified|3-Rejected Work Document Statuses ================== 01. N/A (0) = Document not uploaded. 02. Pending (1) = Document available. 0-N/A|1-Available